Monday 2 May 2011

Business School Prize Promotes Global Water Strategies

About one billion people on earth do not have access to adequate or clean water supplies. More people die each year of water-borne illnesses, such as dysentery and cholera, than are killed in wars. To address this humanitarian and public health crisis, one of New York’s leading business schools conducted an international student competition on ways to bring clean water to some of the world’s most impoverished places.
 The Hult International Business School teamed up with, a non-governmental advocacy group, to challenge the world’s business students to find a way of bringing clean water to 100 million people in the next five years.
 Teams from six universities, out of more than 1000 that applied, reached the competition’s final round in New York City. The winning team, Britain’s Cambridge University, noted in its presentation that among those at the very bottom of the global economic pyramid - the world’s poorest populations - cell phones are more common than toilets.    Business School Prize Promotes Global Water Strategies

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