Saturday 30 April 2011

Paddle pop games

Paddle pop league is interesting game which create excitement and thrill in children.its very popular for kids. It is a part of Kwality Wall’s from the house of Hindustan Unilever.
Paddle Pop Gaming League 2010 scaled great heights in its 3rd edition by establishing itself as ‘India’s Largest Online Gaming Championship for Children’ by having 7 lakh children in the age group 8-14 yrs participate from across 22 cities & towns of India to form 4 regional teams – Northern Ninjas, Southern Samurais, Eastern Emperors, and Western Warriors.
Kombatei was the theme for the 2010 edition of PPGL, which saw the Paddle Pop Lion take on Shadow Master and his new allies by undergoing Shaolin Kung Fu training to learn new combat skills. Children played 3 Paddle pop Kombatei based games – Punch Out, Ninja Secrets and Fast Faster Fastest in the first phase of Online.     Paddle pop games

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